Entretien et aménagement d'espaces verts

Votre expert jardinage à Beaune et ses alentours.

Services personnalisés

Tonte de pelouse, taille de haies et arbustes.

Désherbage écologique, nettoyage de jardins et évacuation des déchets verts...

Nettoyage de terrasses et allées Entretien des clôtures et murets.

Redonnez éclat et propreté à vos espaces extérieurs.

Élagage et abattage
Nettoyage extérieur

Taille douce et sécurisée, dessouchage

Nous assurons la santé et la sécurité de vos arbres tout en embellissant votre jardin.

Votre expert en jardinage

Nous sommes spécialisés dans l'entretien et l'aménagement des espaces verts, offrant des services de qualité pour embellir votre jardin et répondre à vos besoins spécifiques.

A well-maintained garden with lush green grass, neatly trimmed hedges, and a variety of flowering plants. The backdrop consists of a stone and stucco building facade, with several multi-paned windows. Overhanging tree branches cast dappled shadows across the lawn.
A well-maintained garden with lush green grass, neatly trimmed hedges, and a variety of flowering plants. The backdrop consists of a stone and stucco building facade, with several multi-paned windows. Overhanging tree branches cast dappled shadows across the lawn.
Un service exceptionnel et professionnel.

+1 Client satisfait


Avis Clients

Découvrez ce que nos clients pensent de nos services de jardinage.

Un service exceptionnel, mon jardin n'a jamais été aussi beau. Merci !

Sophie L.
A well-maintained garden with a central circular plant surrounded by neatly trimmed grass. The garden features neatly arranged flower beds with colorful flowers. In the background, a white decorative fence and a stone balustrade add structure to the landscape. Dense trees surround the garden area, providing a lush, green backdrop.
A well-maintained garden with a central circular plant surrounded by neatly trimmed grass. The garden features neatly arranged flower beds with colorful flowers. In the background, a white decorative fence and a stone balustrade add structure to the landscape. Dense trees surround the garden area, providing a lush, green backdrop.

Tom a transformé notre espace vert avec professionnalisme et passion. Je recommande !!

Two workers are engaged in landscaping activities in front of a modern building. The scene is sunny and features several palm trees and well-maintained greenery. A pile of soil is present, and a white van is parked nearby.
Two workers are engaged in landscaping activities in front of a modern building. The scene is sunny and features several palm trees and well-maintained greenery. A pile of soil is present, and a white van is parked nearby.
Marc D.



Tom Jafflin

Jardin - Entretien espaces vert

Nous offrons des services d'entretien et d'aménagement des espaces verts à Beaune et ses environs, avec passion et expertise.


Beaune et ses alentours

Lundi - Dimache

13H - 19h


+33 6 49 98 80 34

N° téléphone